
Your use of the Arc website is subject to the terms, conditions, and disclaimers below, and to all applicable laws and regulations. Occasionally, we may update our Terms of Service, including our Privacy Policy, by posting a new version. This is a binding contract between Arc and you. By accessing our site, you accept this agreement.

Unless otherwise noted, all content on the Arc website is owned by Washington University in St. Louis. Republishing any of this content requires the permission of Arc, and must give credit to the publication. Online reuse must contain a link to Arc. For any questions about reposting or republishing content, please contact us.

Privacy Policy
We take your privacy seriously. Arc does not sell or share any personally identifiable information about our readers. This privacy policy, however, applies to our site only and does not apply to the services of our third-party vendors that help with the functionality of our site.

You may choose to share your personal information when signing up for our e-newsletter or when commenting on an article or sharing an article through or to a third party. This information is kept on our secure server, which is safe to every extent possible. As with all Internet functions, however, its safety cannot be guaranteed. You provide this information at your own risk.

Our website tracks anonymous information from users, such as but not limited to: computer IP addresses, the browser you use, and the number of visitors to our web pages. We do this primarily to measure traffic on our site. We may also use cookies to measure traffic or to save user preferences. You can remove these cookies through your Internet browser. We never combine anonymous information with your personal information.

Unless otherwise noted in writing, our site is available “as is.” To the maximum extent permitted under law, we disclaim all warranties of any kind—express, implied, statutory, or otherwise. We do not guarantee that our site service will be uninterrupted. We cannot guarantee that our site will be error-free. Arc makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy of any statement or information available on or through our site or available through links on our site. We reserve the right to correct errors or omissions on our site.

We assume no liability or responsibility for: any unauthorized access to our secure server and any personal information stored therein; any viruses, trojan horses, worms, or other destructive features, which may be transmitted to our site by a third party; or any loss or damages resulting from the use of our site or content.

Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances, except to the extent required by applicable law, will Arc be liable to the user, on any legal grounds for any damages arising out of this agreement or the use of this site, even if Arc has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Arc may terminate its site or this agreement at any time without notice, and for any reason, including a user breach of any of these Terms of Service. All relevant sections of the Terms of Service will continue to be in effect following termination, unless otherwise stated.